One API Marketplace

Do you have an app idea that will solve a banking business need?

Select from a wide range of banking API products to build your app.


We offer app developers and Third Party Providers (TPPs) a suite of APIs that will allow you to integrate our banking services into your applications. This page will provide you with information and guide you step-by-step before you can make your first API call.

Registration Registration

In order to be able to access our APIs you will have to first register yourself on the developer portal using Registration Form. You will receive an email to verify your email address and set a password for your account. You can also use one of our social login options such as Google or github to create your account.

Create Your App Create Your App

Once you have created your account and are able to login successfully, to actually start using our APIs, you need to create your app and get API keys. This you can do from the My Apps page. Below are the steps to create your app and generate the API keys.

  1. Navigate to My Apps page by clicking on the My Apps link
  2. Click on the Add New App button on the top
  3. Fill in the name of the app
  4. Select the API products
  5. Submit the form
  6. You will return to the My Apps page. There you can see the status of your app(s).


Authentication Authentication

Once your app’s status is approved, you can use the API key. You can see your API key and secret by: 

  • Clicking on your app
  • Selecting the ‘API Keys’ button
  • Your API key is listed as ‘Consumer Key’. The corresponding secret is listed as ‘Consumer Secret’.

Once you have successfully created an app, the app will have a Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. This Consumer Key and Consumer Secret should be used for authentication when you make API calls.

Try Out Sandbox APIs Try Out Sandbox APIs

The next thing to do is to start experimenting with our APIs to develop your app. You should do this in the Sandbox environment that we provide specifically for this purpose. 

Sandbox APIs will allow you to successfully try out our APIs, by sending real API calls with the required data and getting real responses. The Sandbox APIs are, however, hosted in a Sandbox environment, which is solely for the purpose of experimenting with the APIs. The Sandbox API signatures are the same as the Production APIs except that you don't get access to the live customer data or allow you to carry out live transactions.

For the documentation on our Sandbox APIs click on Our APIs

Request Production API Access Request Production API Access

When you have successfully tested our Sandbox APIs and built an app using our Sandbox APIs, it's time to launch your app with the Production APIs. You can request for a Production app from the developer portal. Your request is reviewed and once approved, you will have a new Production app with a new set of keys.  You will have to update your app to use these new Production keys and point the API endpoint to the Production API endpoint. You are now ready to launch your app!